Birth of a White Nation

Do you want to understand the history of the term “white people” in the United States and how it has shaped our laws and identities? Read Birth of a White Nation. A clearly written and illuminating book.

- Rosemary Radford Reuther

By Jacqueline Battalora

In Birth of a White Nation- Jacqueline Battalora- explores the history of how the concept of “white people” was constructed and why it was so important for those in power at the time to do so-in the colonies of Virgina and Maryland in the 1600s before the US was a nation.

We will discover the reasons how the powerful kept their power through the laws they created and which then they enacted and enforced. The book provides an overview of what has happened in the United States before it was a country. It gives us a container we can fill with all the other thoughts we will discover.